"Lip Cast", pencil on paper

"Female reclining", pencil on paper

"Maria", pencil on paper sold

"Laocoon", pencil on paper
So, I haven't been real good these past two years on keeping my website updated so I figured starting a blog would help keep friends and family updated on my new work and any new events happening here in New York.
Here's a quick overview of the last two years for those of you who don't know. I moved to New York almost two years ago to study at Grand Central Academy of Art. Studying under Jacob Collins and other GCA faculty has pushed my work further then I have ever thought possible. The concentration put on form and details is just what I've been looking for to take my work to the next level. My first two years have been mostly focused on drawing cast and figure, and I'm now starting to focus more on painting and sculpture. I promise to keep an ongoing update of my work in progress and hope you enjoy seeing the progression of my studies. Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions, the input is always helpful.